Shereen Shaaban

Leadership starts with leading internally

ACC, ORSCC, RTT Hypnotherapist, NLP

ACC, ORSCC, RTT Hypnotherapist, NLP

Leading inward


Empowering leaders to navigate their leadership journey with intentionality, encouraging them to lead as their true selves and inspiring them to foster environments that cultivate transformation. In doing so, they create ripples of change that emanate at the core of their being and extend outwards to influence every aspect of their leadership realm.

Enriching working relationships

Experience a rich understanding of yourself and cultivate deep and lasting relationships with those in your around you.

Book an Intro Session

Whether you’re new to coaching or would just like to get to know how I work, this is a great opportunity for both of us to get to know each other - for me to understand what you’re looking for and for you to understand how I can support you. If you’re interested to know more, please feel free to book a free 30 mins consultation at your convenience.

About me

I am a Leadership, Personal Development, Relationship and Organizational Coach with over 10 years experience. I am certified in Co-Active Coaching (ACC), Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSCC), Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT). 

 I like to bring in a fusion of my learnings into my coaching. I am passionate about personal development first and foremost because I believe that we are first in relationship with ourselves and then we are in relationship with others. I believe that how we show up in the world is an extension of how we are with ourselves. 

 I work with individuals from all backgrounds (e.g. children, mothers, CEO’s, etc) and varying relationships (couples at the start of their journey, marriages, family systems and organizational teams). I am dynamic in how I work and I believe in always meeting people where they are to join them on their journey. I don’t have a one-size fits all solution - I believe each individual and relationship has it’s own story, circumstances and vision for where it wants to be.

Outside of coaching, I am passionate about sharing this knowledge and making it accessible to everyone. I enjoy running group workshops for adults and children in both Cairo and Dubai tackling self awareness and self empowerment. I believe people are whole and naturally resourceful and possess all the tools they need to create the changes they want in their lives. These workshops are a space for exploration, learnings and an opportunity to gain clarity on what comes next.



When I joined to my current company as a remote engineering manager, Shereen offered coaching sessions. She helped me to build stronger relationship with my team members and also helped me to understand myself a bit better and to becoming a better leader. I enjoyed all of our sessions and I am grateful we worked together. I developed a lot. Thank you Shereen!
— Tamas Maksa, Engineering Manager
... very positive feedback in terms of rebuilding the team mindset, built upon trust and working processes to improve how we deal with clients (customer centric model), to maximise opportunities that we have with our solutions.
— Alistair Burton, Criteo
A self awareness journey that I hadn’t expected! It was a process that revealed how my fears were my own barriers to recurring pitfalls.
— Salma Salman, Product Designer

