“I had been doing therapy for a couple of years before switching over to life coaching with Shereen, and it has really pushed my personal development to the next level. My sessions with Shereen brought me the structure, compassion and tools I needed to tackle different components in my life that I wanted to work on. She's helped me navigate complex topics like my scatter-brain over thinking mind, to how to manage relationships and overwhelming day-to-day life situations. Most importantly she does it with an extremely open, welcoming and compassionate energy that makes you feel safe and heard. The sessions have helped me work on my self confidence, my boundaries, and my relationships. The tools and resources she shares have enabled me to develop more habits and patterns that are healthier, give me peace of mind and make me feel empowered to pursue my life goals and show up meaningfully in my relationships.”

-Anonymous Marketing Leader

“The hypnotherapy session was intense and moving, and i immediately felt a great release. Since then, there has been a shift in the way i think and function, and i feel tiny changes that I’m loving. I’m more at ease with myself and with people. The old patterns are all there, sure, but i see them and i am able to shrug them off most times. Like I’m more comfortable taking up space. I don’t rush to assume I’m not welcome, and I’m feeling more at home in the world. I’ve also been more vocal about what i want. I love listening to the recording tailor made for me everyday and i really believe it is making a difference. Im definitely more aware, and moving throughout the day with more purpose, I'm not as desperate or hungry for validation. I don’t stress myself out to impress anyone, and when i feel the urge to people please, perform or chase a scenario, instead i just breathe and let it go and like the command station in my head is less critical and more forgiving.”

-Anonymous Educational Leader

What is Leading Inward? 

Leading Inward is a transformative coaching program designed to empower individuals to unlock their true leadership potential. Through a journey of self-discovery, personal development, and practical leadership skills, participants learn to lead with authenticity, confidence, and empathy, making a lasting impact in both their personal and professional lives.

It is my inherent belief that we possess all the tools that we need to navigate all of our life’s challenges in order to enable our growth and evolution. Leading Inward is really about supporting you on your journey inwards by revealing to you the tools you already possess, challenging you to go where you might have been reluctant and dreaming up possibilities. 

What problem does it solve?

Leading Inward addresses the critical gap in traditional leadership training by focusing on the inner work necessary for effective leadership. It tackles issues such as lack of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and the ability to lead with empathy, which are often overlooked in conventional programs. This program empowers leaders to cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their teams, leading to more compassionate, inclusive, and effective leadership.

What can I expect?

The Leading Inward coaching offers numerous benefits, including enhanced self-awareness, improved emotional intelligence, and refined leadership skills. Individuals will emerge with a stronger sense of purpose, the ability to foster meaningful connections, and the confidence to lead with authenticity and empathy. This transformative approach not only elevates individual leadership capabilities but also contributes to creating more cohesive, resilient, and productive teams.

Embarking on the Leading Inward program will be a life-changing journey for clients, fundamentally shifting how they perceive themselves and their roles as leaders. By delving deep into their inner landscape, they will unlock a renewed sense of purpose and clarity, enabling them to lead more effectively and authentically. This profound inner transformation will not only enhance their leadership abilities but also enrich their personal lives, fostering greater fulfillment, stronger relationships, and an enduring legacy of positive impact.

How does it work? 

You’re in the driver seat. We’ll schedule an assessment session first to allow you to talk about what you would like to work on and to understand you a little bit more. This session is also a great opportunity to understand how I work - it’s important that the both of us have chemistry and you feel that the space provided will allow you to explore in the way that resonates with you the most. 

Next we’ll create a plan, we’ll work through each of them together and land on milestones you’re able to tackle - each time reflecting and extracting our learnings and building from where we are. Eventually, you’ll have the tools you need to navigate your own challenges on your own, we may not need to meet regularly anymore and our visits might be infrequent - that’s how I’ll know my work is done.

If this journey is something that resonates with you or you feel you’d like to explore a 30 min intro with me first please feel free to make a booking at a time that works for you. 

Looking forward to joining you on your journey!