What is relationship coaching? 

We are always in-relationship. The first relationship is with ourselves and then all our other relationships are an extension of that. 

When our relationships are strained it often speaks to something that needs to be healed within us. We often get caught up in our individual needs, protect and defend ourselves against the other and neglect the relationship as a whole. Each relationship in your life has its own identity and set of needs. 

In relationship coaching, we explore the relationship as a separate entity - looking at what it needs more of and less of, what strengthens it and what makes it fragile. We focus on creating a safe space for the relationship to be explored, invite healthy forms of expression, step into empathy and learn to hear and be heard. Through cultivating these behaviors we invite new forms of expression and create healthy patterns that enable the relationship to flourish.  

How does it work? 

You’re in the driver seat. We’ll schedule an assessment session first to allow all those in-relationship to talk about what needs to be worked on. This session is also a great opportunity to understand how I work - it’s important that the chemistry exists between those in relationship and myself so that the space provided will allow all to explore in the way that resonates the most. 

Next we’ll create a plan, we’ll work through each of them together and land on milestones that the relationship is able to tackle - each time reflecting and extracting our learnings and building from where we are. Eventually, the relationship will  have the tools it needs to navigate its own challenges on its own, we may not need to meet regularly anymore and our visits might be infrequent - that’s how I’ll know my work is done.

If this journey is something that resonates with you or you feel you’d like to explore a 30 min intro with me first please feel free to make a booking at a time that works for you. 

Looking forward to joining you on your journey!